Insolvency Onboarding Limited T/A Compare Debt Solutions does not administer debt solutions directly. All financial solutions are subject to eligibility and acceptance and depending on your chosen solution, fees may be charged by the service provider.

Anyone we refer you to will offer you free initial debt advice and will be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and/or an insolvency body. During your advice, they will cover all your options and all the debt solutions including the advantages and disadvantages to ensure you are making an informed and sound decision on which solution you would like to proceed with to get you debt-free. Should you choose a solution our partners can offer there will be fees included which they will make you aware of which will also be in your contract or proposal.

For insolvency solutions, we offer a special service as part of the onboarding process and will assist in assisting our partners with the preparation and negotiation of your solution. This is done by collecting a fact find including your personal details and details about your situation, collecting documents to help satisfy proof of your situation, carrying out AML checks to confirm you are, carrying out a quotation credit search to confirm your liabilities, gathering recorded confirmation of your acceptance to be referred to our partners and sending your information and documents securely via API to our partners to ensure a seamless, safe and secure introduction. Should you take a solution from our partners and it be approved we will be paid a fee for the introduction and our services in helping you and our partners with the process.

Should you not wish to proceed, have your information removed or wish to cancel at anytime you have the right to do so by emailing –

Your enquiry, information and documentation will be processed by one of our panel of trusted 3rd party companies. These companies have in-house advisors who will go through all appropriate debt options, products and solutions available to help gain the best outcome for your circumstances.

You can also get free help and advice from MoneyHelper – Free and impartial help with money, backed by the government | MoneyHelper